Hey! I’m Dana Jarry

If you landed here in my happy little online world, you’re probably on a spiritual journey (or looking to start).

So come on in, you belong here with me. Scoop up all the juicy spiritual resources I’ve got for you so you can deepen your awareness, find more ease and allow things to flow through you and to you.

I’ll help you ignite your intuition, feel more connected to yourself, the universe and invite you with open arms into our warm and welcoming spiritual community.

Hi, I’m Dana.

I’ve helped thousands of spiritual people deepen their connection to Self, and transform their lives with time tested, easy practices that will save you time and keep you from feeling lost or confused along the way.

For over a decade, I’ve been professionally guiding people on their spiritual path. Here’s a few things you should know about me.

I believe that you are brilliant and that everything you need is already inside of you. You have the power, and the capacity to unlock your limitless, incredible potential and innate spiritual gifts. You are already highly intuitive and connected to your Higher Self. You might just forget from time to time or be disconnected from it.

You are perfect exactly as you are. Once you’re able to truly connect with and accept yourself, you’ll awaken your ability to hear and listen to your intuition.

It’s all way simpler than you think. Let me show you how.

Hi, I’m Dana.

I’ve helped thousands of spiritual people deepen their connection to Self, and transform their lives with time tested, easy practices that will save you time and keep you from feeling lost or confused along the way.

For over a decade, I’ve been professionally guiding people on their spiritual path. Here’s a few things you should know about me.

I believe that you are brilliant and that everything you need is already inside of you. You have the power, and the capacity to unlock your limitless, incredible potential and innate spiritual gifts. You are already highly intuitive and connected to your Higher Self. You might just forget from time to time or be disconnected from it.

You are perfect exactly as you are. Once you’re able to truly connect with and accept yourself, you’ll awaken your ability to hear and listen to your intuition.

It’s all way simpler than you think. Let me show you how.

Psst! I’ve been where you are…

I have always had this unshakable calling to connect with my spiritual gifts. I knew deep down there was something more beyond the life we see.

I spent years feeling lost, lonely and grasping for any spiritual tools that would help me feel more at peace, whole, and help me develop my spiritual gifts. I’ve literally spent thousands of hours and many (many) thousands of dollars trying countless modalities, trainings, books, certifications, private lessons, group coaching. Each time I invested in something, I always said – oh this is the one. I finally found it. This is the way. Only to end up disappointed. I received so much from these experiences but it always left me wanting more. And I was then on to the next thing to try.

While I still love exploring and learning (I’m def a total online course addict), I no longer do it from a place of lack, inadequacy or loneliness. Through alllllllllll these experiences, I finally learned that I don’t have to look outside of myself for anything.

Once you feel that sense of connection to Self, my friend, a whole wondrous world opens up to you.

So let me sprinkle some of that magical fairy dust into your life and help you truly connect with yourself so you can finally find the ease, clarity and connection you’ve been looking for.

FREE Download!

Do you struggle to connect with your intuition?

If you feel stuck in your head or lost and not sure what to do next, this free download is for you! 

I channeled 108 ways to help you get out of your head and put them together in a fun, printable oracle deck and cheat sheet to help you reconnect with yourself and your intuition.

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